segunda-feira, abril 02, 2007

Faceless Goddess

My spirit is at rest
Peace and quiet surrounds me
I can hear children laughing.
With a tender sweet feeling
I am whole

I can hear the sea
Whispering in my ear
Words of comfort
They keep me warm
I am whole

I can feel the sea
Filling the void in my heart
It completes me
It fills me with happiness
I am whole

Children laughing
But I am alone
I can’t feel their presence
I can hardly hear them
The sea makes me numb

My hands are frozen
My legs don’t obey
I am under the spell of dream
Why am I whole?
I need to decide

Do I seek happiness?
Or do I want to live?

1 comentário:

Tigas disse...

Tou a ver que a mariconera chega aqui oriunda de outras paragens (ou talvez sempre aqui estivesse).